L. Ann Marie Read online

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  "The kids took down an adult?" Pussy asks. Danny nods, looking at me.

  I smile and nod. "Took Little Ben all of ten seconds to lay him flat out on the sand. Guy was shocked but didn't stand up until the kids were walking away. Fuckin pansy ass bully had words for him until I started walking toward him." I move closer and drop the pictures of Tess and Jess on the table. "Why don't you tell us about these pictures.”

  Danny's smiling face changes to fierce. "My sister and daughter in law? Why are these important to you?" His voice takes on a menacing tone.

  The pussy realizes just how bad this is. "Look, man, I'm just doing my job. There's a story here and I was sent to cover it."

  Danny looks at him for a few seconds then he's on the side of him, shooting his hand. Fuckin guy moves so fuckin fast he even surprises me. "See, MAN, that ain't good enough."

  I throw the pictures of the MC kids down by the women. "My fuckin kids? I don't remember giving permission for you to take pictures of my kids." He fuckin shoots again. Fuckin Brother is gonna have the PD here. I hope Peter or Paul get the call. Danny sits back in the chair. "Why don't you explain to me how you came by this job."

  The guy is whining, doubled over. I throw him a coat from a chair. "Wrap your fuckin hand and tell Danny about you being paparazzi and the two grand with a time for a meet at R&R in your wallet." The guy looks at me as if he's surprised I spoke.

  Danny looks at him. "I can see paparazzi. What's the job you took and who is paying you?" The guy just looks at him. Danny shrugs and shoots his foot. "You got lots of body parts, every time I wait for an answer I'll shoot one." He's back to his normal likable voice. "What's the job?"

  The pussy leans forward with tears on his face. "Just get any information on the kids and log the women's movements after three."

  "Why were the women under the mattress and the kids in the bag?" I ask, knowing the fuckin answer.

  He looks at Danny, then me. "They're pretty women." He doesn't say any more; Danny shoots him.

  "You fuckin get your rocks off to playboy next time, Razzi. Who paid for this job?" Danny's back to menacing. Poor bastard.

  "Was an email from one of the magazines; they deposited into my account, I never got a check." He's fuckin sobbing. Pussy.

  "Who are you meeting and paying off for information?" Danny asks, pointing the gun at pussy's head.

  "A whore. She's got information about the kids, she fucks one of the father’s best friends." I step back. A fuckin Club whore was meeting this pussy?

  "Name." Danny is fuckin furious.

  "I don't know! She's dark and has dark hair. She gave me some of the kid’s pictures. I just had to get more of the one kid. I was paying her for that and she was going to give me more if I took her out of here. She's meeting with someone else that will pay her more. I get a cut for delivering her." He leans back and Danny shoots him dead center of his forehead. Fuckin guy.

  "Can't talk if he's dead, Brother. Neighbors are going to have PD here."

  He looks at me. "If he had more, we'd have it already. Streets deserted, everyone’s at work. Get his phone, bag, laptop and wallet for Geek and Little Ben. Three pictures of Taylor; we need to know why.” He walks away, calling into Security.

  I grab everything but the fuckin guy’s clothes, dumping his pocket shit in with it. Fuckin Danny notices everything with one eye. I didn’t notice everyone gone. Opening the fridge and freezer, I find a file I almost missed. I drop it in the bag and walk out with Danny. Cleanup pulls in as we leave.

  Chapter Three

  Two days


  The shop is closed tomorrow, so why not. "Where are we going?" I ask Tess.

  Her whole face lights up. "Oh, I'm so excited! How about the Plank? I've only been there once. I'm going to call CJ. She'll love it!" She's so fuckin cute; her smile is infectious and I smile right along with her. She pulls her phone and calls CJ then Anita and Penny. They are a trip to go out with; I'm starting to get excited. I finish my grinder, smiling as she talks; she looks like a little fairy and is always so happy. Everyone she talks to has her smiling bigger. She closes her phone putting it on the table.

  "Now that you have us all gathering at the Plank, tell me what's going on that you need this girl’s night out."

  She looks at me surprised. "You need a night out. Since Bob is usually at R&R, I thought we'd go to the Plank."

  What the fuck? "Why does it matter where Bob is?" She sees too fuckin much.

  She smiles but looks thoughtful. "I think this is one of those times you just need to go along with it." She's not going to say any more so I let it go, wondering if she saw me with him and Chet. She rolls half of her grinder up, telling me she needs to get back to work.

  I stand with her. "I'll see you at eight at the Plank."

  Max stands beside her as she hugs me, giggling. "You will! Have a good rest of today, Amanda."

  I turn toward the shop while she goes the other way, toward the Bakery with her furry guard Max at her side. I see Chet across the street; he nods to me and follows Tess from a block away. She usually has someone watching her but they aren't so obvious about it. I wonder what's going on this time.

  I stop at Nancy's shop to see if she has something for me to wear tonight. I love her clothes; she always has edgy styles that cover you in the sexiest way possible. "Just me, Nancy." I yell when I hear her say she'll be right out.

  I look through the clothes on the first rack. Pulling two shirts, I move to the next and pull a cute dress with a low cut back and fully covered front. "You will look great in that. How are you, Amanda?"

  I smile looking back. "I'm good, Nancy. How have you been?" We have shops close together but don't really see each other much. I work a lot of nights while she's here in the day.

  "I'm good; Tess told me I need to find you the perfect outfit for tonight." She smiles at my surprise. "She told me yesterday."

  I laugh. "Fuckin visions."

  "I have some things on the dressing room door for you." She takes what I'm holding and walks back. I don't even bother looking at anything else; Nancy knows about clothes and what would look best.

  Trying what she put out first, I shake my head in the mirror. She is always right; she picked the perfect outfits again. I leave with a bag full of clothes and a smile. I haven't been shopping in a while and it feels good; maybe I'm climbing out of the funk I've been in for the past couple of months. It always hits me hard a month or two before and after Amelia's death anniversary.

  This year wasn't as long but it still hurts the same. I shake my head and climb the stairs to my apartment. Deciding to get my errands run, I hang my new clothes up and go right back out for groceries, gas and banking.


  What the fuck? "What do you mean it's me?" I'm clenching my fists. "I've never talked to her about anything but fuckin. The whore's not my favorite person, just a fuckin hole. I never even fucked her in my room." Like I would fuckin tell the whore anything. He's my best friend; he should know me better than the fuckin shit he's laying on me.

  "Relax, Brother. The pictures are from a family picnic at the Club. Sticks followed feeds and no one but Jax takes her to their room. I don't know why she's still here; she's not even good enough for a fuckin door. Every other whore is in the rooms."

  "What the fuck makes you think it's me, Rich?"

  "You're the only Brother that's with the whores and best friends with the kids fathers'." He runs his hand over his face. "Bob, I don't think for a second you told her shit. Fuckin cunt is using your name or position but you never said fuck to her. The feeds show it."

  Thank fuck. "What am I supposed to do about it? I got no problem getting rid of her." Bitch using my position to get a fuckin paycheck and put the kids in jeopardy is asking to be sold out west. I'll deliver her my fuckin self.

  He shakes his head no. "She changed the meet to the Plank, makes more sense than R&R. She's fuckin smart, moving the meet to where she fits in but she text it in
stead of calling him. You'll meet up with her there, see what you can get then offer her a ride home. HS will take it from there. Geek's following her calls and email right now. I'll let you know if we find anything else." I throw him chin. "Nine tonight you're at the Plank. It works out well, girls night out is there at eight; gives you a reason to be there." Fuck. Knowing Tess, Amanda is probably going. He watches me. Fuck! "You got a problem with Amanda?"

  "Get the fuck out of my head. No we're cool." I clear my fuckin head.

  He smiles, "She's a good girl and Tess' friend, don't fuck with her."

  "Fuckin good girl? She did me and Chet last month; not so much a fuckin good girl." I growl at him. What the fuck? He knows I don't share so I can see where the surprise comes from.

  "Watch her feeds but Tess knows; she wasn't with anyone until then, since her ex. You didn't fuckin notice she has a thing for you?"

  I just look at him; she has a thing for me and she hasn't been with anyone in two fuckin years? She was fuckin tight. Shit. He fuckin smiles. "You're next. I better tell VP to get the ammo ready, it's always a fuckin wild ride." He says, laughing. The fuckin frown on my face should indicate I don't fuckin agree. He nods. "Two fuckin years, maybe it was the only way she had to get your attention." Fuckin Rich.

  "She does all my fuckin ink. Never said a word."

  He laughs. "Did you? You zero in on her whenever she's around. Told you, fuckin good girl; she was probably waiting to be asked. Fuckin Brothers always have pussy throwing themselves at them; you forget what it's like to work for it."

  "Fuck off, Brother. You got Tess in a fuckin day. Tell me you fuckin worked for it."

  He laughs. I wait him out; fuckin always laughing. "Every fuckin day I work for it, Brother; it doesn't stop because I got her. She's fuckin beautiful, smart and everyone loves her. You think if I didn't work at it the Brothers wouldn't slide in there for a chance at her?" I smile. He's right, everyone fuckin loves Tess; she's beautiful, looking like a little playboy fairy. I throw him chin. He looks at me for a minute. "Some advice, Brother. I told Cloud the same thing; Badass is what draws them but communication is what keeps them. You have to open your fuckin mouth so she can get to know who you are behind the cut and Club."

  I laugh. "What did Cloud say?"

  "He was ready to fill his house with little warriors and it was worth a fuckin shot. Wasn't a week later, he met CJ. Baxter's told me he never said fuck to anyone; he worked for them almost ten years. They didn’t know he was real Indian, thought it was just a look and he visited his grandmother on the reservation. CJ shows on our radar and he's fuckin Mr. Rogers meets Indian warrior Badass Biker in a fuckin week."

  I'm doubled over; he's right. "Fuckin love it. I may start calling him that."

  "Think only CJ gets away with that shit. Seriously, Brother, stop watching her and talk to her. You'd be surprised where that gets you."

  I stand up, "You lookin for Rob's old job? Fuckin dear Abby of the MC."

  He stops and looks at me. No one talks about Rob. "Wouldn't say shit to anyone else, Brother. You know me better than that; just watching your back. Cloud asked."

  I throw chin and walk out of his office, going into mine. Fuck, two years and she picks a three way to get my attention. My dick swells picturing her sexy pussy with the jewel. Fuck. I don't question whether he's right or not. Fuckin Brother is younger than all of us but he's a fuckin genius. I envy him and Patches; Tess is one in a million and it takes them both to keep up with her. They make it look easy but I know how much they work to keep her safe and happy; they're always fuckin smiling.

  I check the schedule and make my calls. No one is out of the yard today, it should be an easy one. Family Security used to be easy. With the kids getting older and the women getting more comfortable, they're leaving the yard more often and making my job more challenging. I wouldn't trade it for one damn thing. I worked fuckin hard to be here. I didn't train with the military or go to college. My Brothers and Officers trained me; I'm glad I work with the fuckin best.

  I flip my monitor on and flip through the feeds, looking for the tracking. Checking schedules, I see everyone is where they should be. When the screen slides to the next feed, I see Amanda smiling as she walks toward her shop, carrying a bag from Nancy's. She doesn't smile much; I'm focused on her face until the feed slides to the next. Fuck, she's got a beautiful smile; it takes away the sadness that's always in her eyes.

  My dick is hard; I adjust and yell come in to the knock on my door. Brother needs to change his schedule for his kids last game of the season. He's excited about playing the Club Kids team; he won't be when his boy loses. They're in second but it'll be a fuckin miracle for them to take the Club Kids first place. Even with them throwing the other teams bones, the kids are phenomenal.

  I take off for a while, knowing I'll be working later. Hitting the Pub, I get dinner and catch up with Horse. He's smiling all the time now that he's found 'the one'. What fuckin Brother talks like that?

  The Club is fuckin bipolar; the good, the bad and the ugly hit me every fuckin day. Everybody knows about the other and deals but it's fuckin exhausting sometimes, trying to keep up with who is where and what they know. Horse is turning into the good.

  He gives me the heads up on the reporter asking questions. I nod like this is the first time I've heard it. He doesn't say anything different; I'm glad he called it in. Anyone asking about the kids is tagged on the recognition program. A Brother watches them closely when they show anywhere in the yard, which is the whole fuckin town. I don’t tell him he doesn’t have to watch him anymore. That would mess with his bipolar high going on right now. I swear to fuckin God it wasn’t this hard when we ran everything. Running clean for so long has made some of these Brothers forget we’re a fuckin MC and still deal in death and illegal shit. I pay for my meal and beer and head out.


  I walk into the Plank feeling good. I have the open back dress, some killer heals, makeup on and my hair is my hair. Nothing I can do to it unless I want to spend hours with a flat iron. Since I broke up with the asshole, I've let it grow out and I haven't once ironed it. It's thick and cork screw curly, almost to the center of my back. Most women hate their hair; I love mine. The ex always wanted it straight; I should have known he wasn't right. It took finding him with a Club whore for me to boot him and realize I wasn't me anymore. I like me; wild and curly hair and all. I smile, seeing Tess waving her arms as if I'd miss seeing her and Anita. The bar isn't that big. When I get close, Anita spins her finger in the air; I hold out my arms and spin for her.

  "Ooooo, child! That is seeeeeexy!" She says loud enough to draw eyes over. Fuckin woman. I smile shaking my head.

  "You're always pretty, Amanda, but tonight you are stunning." Tess says, all excited.

  I give her a look as I sit on the side of her. "I get the feeling that you are happy about that and I should be nervous." She gives me her little musical laugh but doesn't offer anything. Fuck, Tess is up to something.

  She raises her hand and a Prospect moves quickly to her side. She orders shots and looks at me for my drink choice. I ask for a beer, laughing when she rolls her eyes.

  CJ comes in, causing a stir in activity. She's beautiful with her mane of red hair and dressed to the nines. She sits, not noticing every guy's eye on her. These women are so funny; they act like they are the only ones in the bar tonight. I jump right in because it's always a fun time.

  I tell them about the muscle bound macho guy arguing with me to tattoo him right away. “I start and then he needs breaks every ten damn minutes. I could have sworn the guy had tears in his eyes.” Tess thinks this is a riot; I wonder how much she's had to drink. Penny sits by Anita, telling us about her crazy customer today. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up. I'm shocked and have no idea what to say. "Bob." Is all I can think of.

  He's smiling, which is rare; I'm mesmerized by that smile. "I'm on the job and have to take care of something at nine but I wanted to know if I can come
by your place later. I need to talk to you." This looks like it's serious. What the hell does he need to talk to me about?

  Before he thinks I'm drunk, I answer him. "Sure."

  He nods and squeezes my shoulder. "How about I give you a ride when you’re ready to leave?"

  I just nod; he turns and walks away. What the fuck does he want to talk to me about? I can put together so many fantasies with him in the starring role. I pick one to follow as I watch Tess, Anita and Penny chatting. I laugh when they do, but I'm playing out the fantasy in my head.

  Tess hits my arm. "Enough of that now, let's go dance." I'm sure I'm beet red; I was just getting to the good part! Fuckin Tess, knowing what goes through my head. I laugh to hide my embarrassment and let her pull me to the dance floor. It's really a tiny patch of floor in the corner.

  We dance together but this isn't our regular bar. Bob has to pull guys away from Tess and CJ. When he goes to move a guy from Anita she yells, "Get your hand off my possible future man! Go find your own!" He puts his hands up; everyone laughs, including Bob.

  Looking past me, his smile vanishes. He walks my way, never looking at me but puts his hand on my waist, telling me he loves the dress as he goes by. What the fuck? Tess, CJ and Penny step closer and dance with me. I look back and see Bob talking to some guy. Maybe this is what he had to do at nine. We're having fun but I'm hot as hell. I tell them I'm getting a drink and head toward the bar. The whore that was with my ex is all over Bob. I'm fuckin pissed. Taking a deep breath, I let it out and turn back around so I can tell Tess I'm leaving.